The obstacles behind in understanding of God

Some Man, after fruitless attempts to convince people of his description of reality, said a certain sentence that has gone down in history. He said something like this: people have eyes to see, but they do not see, they have ears to hear, but they do not hear, they have reason and cannot understand!
The fact that people do not see something or do not understand something is an undeniable fact. When it comes to small things, this is not a big problem. However, in the case of essential matters for humanity, this becomes a very important problem.
There is much evidence that human minds can be manipulated by bad knowledge or by denying the evident truth. This can be seen in many examples.
A significant conclusion can be drawn by analyzing the rise to power of Hitler in Germany and all the consequences resulting from this fact. Almost the entire nation could be manipulated in such a terrible way that its members lived with hatred and murdered unscrupulous millions of innocent lives. Communist agitation was equally tragic, which, through the spread of lies, led to many tragedies on the globe.
It follows that people can live in ignorance, act according to the will of crazy leaders and lose touch with reality. They can also do a lot of bad things in the belief that they are doing something good.
An important conclusion from this is the statement that people can be manipulated on a large scale, which leads to many tragedies. Often the source of this phenomenon is a fanatical belief in God or faith in various "idols". Also unbelief in God or suspicion of its lack can cause a tragic event. Such situations are reflected in religious wars, in the activities of the Inquisition, and finally in the martyr's death of many preachers of religious ideas or missionaries.
Why is this happening?
Why is it possible to manipulate human minds to a level of faith in lies that contradict common sense?
Answers should be sought in the absence of fundamental and lasting knowledge of the mechanisms of the world around us. If a person does not know and does not understand who he is actually is and in what world he lives, he has no lasting foundation for life.
The knowledge that absolutely every man, regardless of race, religion or nationality is eternal and comes from the Transcendent Source, which is God, can stop the development of intolerance, hatred and the consequences of these feelings in the form of genocide. Wider knowledge of God and man makes him a creature more immune to the influence of all kinds of evil, beginning with the influence of Satan, through the lies of mad leaders, and ending with small temptations.
Reflecting on the meaning of your life, a little confidence in the voice of your conscience and a pinch of life optimism always has a positive effect on the personality of a person. The knowledge of an immortal spiritual person in each of us is really not easy to obtain in the present world. This faith and this knowledge cannot be inherited. Everyone has to deal with it individually from the beginning of their lives. At the same time, the world around us may not provide such knowledge. It is just the opposite. The facts around us are a minimal proof of the existence of God and the eternity that exists in man. We can say that the present world is automatically separating us from God. It is for this reason that Jesus, tired of His efforts, says that people have eyes to see, but they do not see, they have ears to hear, but they do not hear, they have reason and cannot understand!
How to get out of this situation?
Certain spiritually open people, called saints, and sometimes haunted, as well as Jesus Himself, tried to overcome the lack of human faith in God and impart knowledge that they wore in themselves. They acquired it in a somewhat incomprehensible way, and then with great passion began to spread it. In many cases, it ended with a loss of life for them. It follows that acting for faith in God is a very dangerous task. There is no doubt that the main opponent of these people is Satan himself, but the risk is also caused by such factors as stupidity of manipulated people, strange fear of learning the truth or simply life difficulties, unfavorable to open to important matters.
Sometimes it can be concluded that only a total shock or events similar to the outbreak of war can change such a sense of danger and helplessness. One should not be surprised at the Christians who see the solution of this state only in the spectacular phenomenon of the Last Judgment and the End of the World.
So what to do to believe in God or at least understand the need for His existence?
Once again, I will refer to the above statement about eyes, ears and reason. Our eyes are worth making a deeper vision so that they can objectively see the world around us. Our ears are worth being prepared for listening so that they can hear the voice of wise and honest people explaining things that are essential to our existence. Our reason has to be free from the noise of civilization to be able to understand something more than the trouble of everyday life.
When I look at nature and observe phenomena that take place in her life, for example among animals, I see an incredible abundance of forms, extremely complex organisms, sensitive senses and their extraordinary ability to benefit from the benefits of the environment. Then it becomes clear to me that all this has not happened and the fact of evolutionary changes has not come from nowhere. Although I am already in the stage of admiration over the wisdom of the Creator, I started from the stage of astonishment with the surrounding reality and the level of intellect built into the laws of nature. This level could not be taken by itself, nor was it introduced by people, because their knowledge is much more too small. It had to come from a hundredfold more intelligent source than human reason. I gradually realized the necessity of an intelligent creative source, and this in turn made me aware of the omnipresence of the Creator.
When it comes to listening, I started by listening to the poems of a well-known priest – a poet who particularly identified nature with the Creator's work. Just listening and reading interesting views of different scholars should lead to the awareness of the existence of an Intelligent Source in the universe. The appropriate dose of knowledge from various scientific and religious books taken over in the period of education should then result in a desire to listen to the voices of people analyzing the sense of the existence of this world. This can inspire many people to look for the right truth about the creation of the universe.
I think that human reason, awakened in this way, can begin to draw the right conclusions. As I noted earlier, the external reality of this world does not lead to the conclusion about the presence of God. However, instead of external sensations, turn on internal feelings, so that you get to know something invisible at first glance. Then you can have the chance to discover more complete knowledge about our life and the entire universe. I have found that this is not a supernatural gift but a phenomenon of human reason. It can lead to a natural understanding of the existence of God without resorting to religious education.
To build the right faith based on knowledge, I recommend, for example, to analyze two different situations. I will start with the first one.
Namely, the presence of God can be indirectly understood, looking at the civilization development of humanity. It is most often characterized by the multiplication of beings, towards increasingly complex and more perfect ones. This is because "Somebody" taught us this. The "divine" way to develop was to create increasingly complex and perfect lives. From God, as from the source, new, more perfect concepts of creatures emerged, finally to come to man himself.
At this point, the Creator seems to have ended his contribution to the transformation of nature, recognizing that the end of evolutionary development has come about, which also concerned the physical bodies of people. And that was our beginning. A level has been achieved that enables individuals to bring to perfection spiritual persons associated with them. It follows that in the opinion of the Creator, humanity "grown up" to take over his creative abilities. Of course, the "divine" stage of the emergence of spiritual persons from Him remains, because in this way new people will always be born. Thanks to the described activity, not only humanity develops, but also God Himself.
From the beginning of the civilization, people have taken from the Creator their developmental stage of our physical world. From that moment, only the people themselves deal with this reality, creating still new entities constituting the development of civilization. Just look around you. You can see cities, roads and other spatial structures. There has been unimaginable progress in the development of communication and communication. We admire the explosion of ideas in all areas of life. There are still more and more entities representing modernity and refinement.
It is worth to force your mind to the effort and thus find the original source in the described phenomena. Once we can identify the Creator, our eyes, ears and reason can open to us. Then maybe we will understand that development is our heritage received from God, our Father.
I am writing so that others can share with me the conclusion that using eyes, ears and mind in an open and honest way leads to the knowledge of God and to the understanding of His presence in the universe.
The second example concerns a slightly different way of shaping the faith in God. In this approach, it is not worth starting with very ambitious questions, such as: does God exist and who actually is. It is better not to ask about the existence of God and the rise of the universe until we answer the question about the proper status of existence of ourselves.
I suggest to understand in the first step that man is not an animal. When we talk to another person, we do not talk to her skin and bones, but to someone who is inside. We feel that our words flow somewhere deep into our listener and enrich his knowledge. This and many other things that people can do make us completely different from animals.
Therefore, I constantly emphasize the achievements of our spiritual person based on a natural person. This is a completely unique phenomenon in the scale of the entire universe. Man was placed between the existence of the First Cause and his presence in the eternal vastness of the cosmos. As the only being, it transforms the universe and will do it forever. And here we touch eternity. The entire universe, from the elementary particle to the largest galaxies, creates a perpetual plane of action for its "host" - human. It is begging that this eternity that surrounds us is also our share. And so it is, because it cannot be otherwise. We have it inside and outside of us. This eternity in us is our spiritual person, that is, we ourselves, the right people. So it must be the same with the First Cause that fills up the entire universe. In this way one can understand the necessity of our Heavenly Father.
It is time to get out of the parochial view of the Creator. For many religions, including Christianity, He seems to be a God of failure. Such an impression can be derived from the description of the fall of the first people and deeds of His angels. Also the history of salvation, permeated by the martyrdom of saints, cannot be treated as a series of successes. Added to this is the unjust crucifixion of the Son of God Jesus Christ, His still unfinished salvation and only spiritual victory over Satan. All this may not be too optimistic. That is why many people do not believe in Him at all.
Meanwhile, in my understanding, our Heavenly Father is the creator of the whole inhabited by the people of the universe. I repeat my supposition that the Creator realized His Will in establishing a perfect world on all inhabited planets of the cosmos, creating there ideal worlds inhabited by people who are in His image and likeness. I am sure that with the full mobilization of humanity, it will also see such a state on our Earth. So it is not God's failure, as it seems too many atheists locked up in their little earthly world. He is the Absolute who has scattered His universe, Intellect, Beauty and Love all over the universe.
Thus, it is worth starting a personal attempt to find God. As you can see from the above, it is good to use logical reasoning and our inner intuition.
For the sake of consolidating your knowledge, it is worth returning to the first chapters of this study, starting with the theme entitled:
"Original Being", through "Personality of God"
and "God as Father and Creator", to make sure again who God is and
what who we are.
That's all I have to offer to bring my long-term thoughts to each and contribute to the creation of God's own understanding for everyone.