Chapter 31

Science helps us understand eternity

Once we completely reject the "religious God" and even be atheists, it is worth finding some good will in ourselves to understand the Original Being, i.e. the "scientific God" of the theory of eternal existence. The way science proceeds is to move from the stage of imagination to the stage of evidence. Ideas come first, and after formulating assumptions, models of reality are created that lend credence to the hypotheses. Models known in nature are used, the use of which once made it possible to discover important laws of nature. Exactly such proven models were used by the my system to study phenomena impossible to assess with other research instruments. It introduced several such models, thereby paving the way to the correct assumption and theses of the theory of eternal existence. That's how my views were formed.

By presenting my theory, I wanted to join the exchange of knowledge about eternity. Unfortunately, in my case, it is about ideas that science does not currently deal with. Only theology has hitherto referred to them, but it does not use scientific methods. It is about answering such questions as: Who is God, is he the Creator of the universe; and if so, how did he do it? Is He the source of only good? Is man a being similar to animals or to the Creator? Is there a source of evil? If so, is it personal? And so on…

Many years ago, scientists from various universities created the Internet to share knowledge on a global level. This improved the development of science and led to its better understanding. This made it possible to see that many religions still resemble ancient mythology because they are full of concepts that contradict science. In the clash between science and religion, science has always turned out to be right. Still, many people accept two contradictory "truths" at the same time, although the scientific one is based on knowledge and the religious one is based on faith.

Thanks to the development of astrophysics, quantum physics, molecular chemistry, microbiology and other new branches of science, and thanks to the developed tolerance towards being a so-called non-believer, it is now possible to talk about topics that were previously reserved only for religion. Developed democracy has opened the way to freedom of opinion, hence science is gradually displacing religion. Therefore, the inhabitants of the Earth believe more in scientific proofs than in religious miracles.

The theory of eternal existence, inheriting the results of the research of the essenceism system, is based on a scientific approach to topics that have so far been dealt with only by religion. To a large extent, I was "unblocked" by the ideas propagated by scientists who did not accept the existing religious doctrines. Sometimes, however, I see that their works are something between the creation of yet another religious denomination and the actual progress of knowledge on these subjects. Also their doctrines contain too many old concepts, unacceptable from the point of view of sound logic or scientific way of thinking. Therefore, I decided to conduct my own independent research and logical analyzes that should lead to a proper understanding of the existence of God and eternity. This is how the theory of eternal existence was born.







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