Chapter 16

Ideas of The Theory of Eternal Existence

in relation to philosophical systems


1. The idea of ontology

The purpose of the idea of being in the theory of eternal existence is to describe God as the Original Being. This is the Source Being for all other beings and beings. The knowledge of Him creates an educational duty in this theory. The next task of my theory is to show that man is an eternal being. The uniqueness of man in relation to other beings results from the fact that the Original Being breathed into him a part of His Personality. This means that in the form of a spiritual person, He transferred a part of Himself to him. This act, in the form of a "breath from the Creator", has been described in the Bible, from which the above phrase is quoted here for illustrative purposes. Thanks to this "breath", man, apart from eternity in the form of a spiritual person, has the intelligence, will and emotionality acquired from the Creator, concentrated in the element of the heart that he received from Him. The developing spiritual person of a man shapes a spiritual soul in himself, a kind of inner guiding nature, called the primary nature. It is she who inherits the elements of intelligence, will and emotionality from the Creator's Heart, concentrated in the human heart. Primal nature is therefore a function of the personality center of man, i.e. our heart. Thanks to such an explanation, it is easier to imagine what the Heart of the Creator is.

According to the theory of eternal existence, the spiritual person of man is the only "object" in the universe that develops a bond with the Original Being during its existence. This bond is indirect only until a person reaches personal perfection. Since then, it has always been direct. Such a course of human life means that as the only being in all creation, it goes through the full path of development reflecting the creative plan of the Original Being.

As part of the idea of being, I list spiritual beings that support man, i.e. spiritual beings called angels. The thesis of my theory is that during the earthly development they are our helpers. For that is what they were created for. An angel, as a spiritual being, has will, intelligence and emotionality, but does not inherit the heart of the Original Being. Rather, an angel has a kind of personality center, like a core of personality, whose function is the angelic soul known from religious terminology. It is an imitation of the heart intended to achieve the goals set by the Creator. The imitation of the heart in the angel is designed to balance the three main attributes of his personality. So an angel is a servant, not a child of God. From this it follows that he is a "poorer" version of a spiritual person, because he does not undergo development based on a physical person. He is also not fully a person, because he does not have a formed gender. Therefore, he cannot directly, like a human being, experience children's, marital and parental love.

Angels, interacting with people, are prepared for the limited reception of our physical senses. Thanks to this, they can experience love to some extent, drawing impressions from our personality and experiencing the joy of coexisting with him. What I have written here about angels is largely hypothetical. Their existence is beyond the reach of scientific knowledge. However, it is logical in the context of the existence of our spiritual person who is a child of the Original Being. Since our spiritual person in the physical world receives support from all nature, i.e. from a large number of earthly beings, it is logical that as an eternal person in the second part of our life, he should also have support from eternal spiritual beings.


2. The idea of epistemology

The theory of eternal existence shows that every person comes from the Original Being, reflecting His attributes. This heritage makes him want to constantly expand his knowledge, wanting to match his Original. People have always wanted to know everything about everything, because this is one of the purposes of our existence. Therefore, we constantly want to understand all the states covered by our existence. We also investigate the causes of the phenomena that surround us, we try to expand our knowledge about them and we satisfy our curiosity by exploring the mysteries of the examined processes.

Mankind has been trying to know God through its senses for centuries. Therefore, the theory of eternal existence suggests that to a large extent this can be done by using reason operating at the appropriate intellectual level. According to this theory, man can understand the Creator primarily with his physical senses, analyzing the world around him. He can also count on his own intuition and imagination in this regard. The human mind is able to grasp a large number of the results of these analyzes and draw specific conclusions from them. In this study, I cannot accurately determine the level of proper knowledge about God collected in this way throughout the existence of humanity, because it is quite diverse, sometimes contradictory, and thus difficult to verify. The current level of proper knowledge of God as assessed by the theory of eternal existence is quite low in relation to the default totality. Raising this level, apart from scientific research, can be influenced by a rational analysis of phenomena originating from the spiritual world, i.e. from the sphere beyond time and space.

For the reasons that have been described in previous books on essenceism, a contemporary man is unfortunately a being at a fairly low level of understanding the laws of the spiritual world and the Original Being itself. This unfavorable situation arose as a result of the unknown Creator stopping the spiritual development of man at the very beginning of mankind's existence. Given this situation, the theory of eternal existence has set itself the task of stimulating the development of human thought. Therefore, it encourages the constant progress of science and the constant supplementation of knowledge about everything that is available to man through his imagination, intuition, senses and research instruments.

My theory prepares people to receive knowledge analytically, even on religious topics. That is, it also tries to stimulate followers of different religions to new searches, not to accept stagnation in the face of established religious beliefs. The theory of eternal existence directs its findings to members of all denominations, churches and even sects to try to break free from the yoke of dogma. The point is that they should not treat the existing teachings as indisputable. It also urges them to critically verify religious beliefs based only on revelations. Besides, non-believers in any god offers a clear vision of the meaning of human life. This may trigger them to reflect on what is most important, i.e. on the possibility of having the source of eternity in themselves in the form of a spiritual person.


3. The idea of axiology

According to the theory of eternal existence, good is a state of reality that has its source in the Personality of the Original Being. This means that it comes from the attributes of Intelligence, Will and Emotionality concentrated in His Heart. The good created from these qualities goes to the human personality as a result of the action of the Primordial Power of Love.

The idea of axiology in my theory shows that first the Intellect of the Original Being shaped harmonious, perfect and coherent laws. It is they, combining with the Energy of the First Cause, that create the universe and everything that is in it. A state was created in accordance with the concept of the Creator, i.e. with His Will. This state should be called good. If the Emotionality of the Original Being had no influence on the created laws, they would be "soulless", "dry" and "cold". Meanwhile, in fact, they are "warm" and "friendly" to humans. This is because the Original Being is a coherent unity of Intelligence, Emotionality and Will. Hence His laws and principles exhibit the same harmonious unity. Good, which is a function of laws inherent in God, is therefore not an abstraction separated from His Will and Emotionality.

To sum up, it should be stated that the laws and principles originating from the First Cause, originally existing in the sphere beyond time and space, can be described as true, necessary and eternal. As a result of creation, they passed into our reality, bringing good with them. Then it should be the main value in the universe.


4. The idea of ethics

According to the theory of eternal existence, morality is the rules of conduct resulting from understanding of what is good. The exact assessment of good and evil is dealt with in my theory by the idea of value, and at this point it can only be noted that good is what originally belongs to humanity, and evil is what should not be. This statement results from the concept of the Original Being described in my theory. Within the theory of eternal existence, I am not creating some new philosophy of action regarding the good. I fully rely on the principles of morality preached by Jesus Christ. Thanks to the tools of essenceism, it is possible to deduce them from the content of the Gospel records, even though they have been changed to some extent by Christian dogmatists. My idea of ethics shows that the words and actions attributed to Jesus Christ form a logical whole and thus their true meaning can be regained. However, the theory does not tie its ideas to the ethics of any religious denomination because they rarely use logic.


5. The idea of logic

The theory of eternal existence emphasizes the necessity of consistent, clear and orderly thinking. Therefore, he draws attention to the fact that before starting the analysis, it should be known whether we have the appropriate instruments for this. Then, after defining the premise and thesis, you need to create a flawless train of thought in which each conclusion follows from the previous one. My theory does this along the lines of proven methods used in science. This gives certainty of proper reasoning and resulting findings. In this way, the correctness of the reasoning process is constantly checked. This should be done by returning to the initial assumptions from time to time to eliminate possible contradictions on an ongoing basis. It is also important to remember what meaning we gave to the terms we use at the very beginning. The language of the terms and definitions used is also quite important. Thanks to the use of precise, uniform and strictly defined concepts, it is possible to clearly determine what is the right reality and what is not.


6. The idea of aesthetics

The theory of eternal existence suggests that love and beauty are linked together like subject and object. They are like two sides of the same emotional experience operating in a person's personality. Such an understanding of emotionality refers especially to human activity in a state consistent with the original concept of the Creator. Such a person combines a harmonious understanding of the duality of phenomena that are simultaneously external and internal, visible and invisible, as well as physical and spiritual. Therefore, the human state can be called aesthetic harmony. The concept of the theory of eternal existence relating to man also implies that he is the only being in the universe that can exist both in space-time and in reality outside space and time, and even in both of these "environments" at the same time. This is due to the fact that, according to the theory of eternal existence, a man during his development is a harmonious combination of a physical and spiritual person, which means that his physical and spiritual senses form a harmonious whole, i.e. aesthetic harmony. It matures in man simultaneously with the experience of child, marital and parental love. These are the three types of love, which together with the fourth, i.e. friendship, lead to perfect love modeled on the Love of the Original Being. In these types of love, there is a gradual progress in discovering and understanding beauty. This state applies especially to the world in the original concept of the Creator, and only to a small extent to our imperfect civilization.


7. The idea of anthropology

The theory of eternal existence shows that:

1. Man is not an animal.

2. Man has a spiritual and physical duality, i.e. he is a unity of a physical person and a spiritual person.

3. Man is eternal, that is, a being that has always existed from the moment of his birth.

4. Man is the only category of being that can exist both in the space-time of the universe and in the sphere beyond time and space,

5. Man comes directly from the Creator.

These points above are discussed in more detail during the presentation of particular ideas of this theory.


8. The idea of the methodology

The theory of eternal existence uses a science-proven method of acquiring knowledge. Namely, when starting the research process, a scientist first justifies the reason for adopting a specific assumption and the thesis put forward in connection with it. He compares them at the outset with the paradigms established by science. It is advisable that he additionally use his intuition and imagination to verify the prerequisites for learning a given issue. While building his theory, he should control its individual elements in terms of compliance with the assumption and thesis. If the entire research process confirms the thesis, then the accepted theorem can be considered true.

The theory of eternal existence uses proven methods of science to avoid the methods of religion. So he conducts analyzes using logic and rational thinking. He also uses trains of thought (each conclusion follows from the previous one). This creates structured knowledge. In particular, the theory uses this method to learn who the Original Being is, so that the knowledge of His concept can be used in the next stages of the analysis of reality coming from Him.

The theory of eternal existence also uses comparative methods. For example, understanding the eternity of the Original Being, from which man comes, may lead to the conclusion that each of us should be eternal. My theory draws this conclusion through a logical and methodical comparison of people, i.e. beings that exist both physically and spiritually, with the "source" Original Being. In order to create the material universe including us, He had to have His Physical Side, which is the Energy of the First Cause. She was a model for our physicality, i.e. a human physical person. Similarly, the model for our spiritual person is the Creator's Personality, which is His Spiritual Side. This method was "supported" by the biblical statement that man was created in the image and likeness of the Creator.













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