Goals of the Theory of Eternal Existence
1. The main goal of the theory of eternal existence is to show the fact of the existence of a state beyond time and space, i.e. the spiritual world. It should not be an act of religious faith or secret knowledge.
2. An important goal of the theory of eternal existence is to impart knowledge about the existence of the eternal Original Being as the Creator of all things. God cannot be a mystery. Knowledge about Him is to replace it.
3. The main goal of the theory of eternal existence is to show eternity in man as the proper state of his reality.
4. The emotional goal of the eternal existence theory is to show that the cosmos, life and humans were created by the operation of the Original Force of Love. It introduces the Law of Creation and the Energy of the First Cause into the space-time of the universe. So it can be said that the creation of the universe was an act of love for people and that it was created for them.
5. The practical purpose of the theory of eternal existence is to explain that every human being is an eternal being. This eternity is in the spiritual person led by a natural person through earthly life.
6. The obligatory purpose of the theory of eternal existence is to explain to the world religions that they completely change their mission and begin to work for the salvation of mankind from evil.
7. The current goal of the theory of eternal existence is to explain to people, especially politicians and clergy of all religions, to abandon the use of the power of authority and begin to apply love in all their activities.