Essenceism - the theory of eternal existance
Essenceism is a new concept, used only for me by now, meaning an analytical system based on logic, and intended to study peculiarities beyond time and space in relation to our reality. It is about the analysis of non-material phenomena, called spiritual ones, in order to form them into a uniform theory comprehensible in the material world.
This system is derived from the fundamental assumption that the source of everything is the Efficient Original Being. He is the Absolute, the Perfection and the Beginning of everything, it means the First Cause. In principle, He has always existed, that is, from infinity. It will also last forever, that is, to infinity. In all analyzes of essenceism, I invariably follow this basic assumption. I check every view, theory or theorem in relation to the necessary attributes of the Original Being, identified in my study with the concept of God-Creator.
Essenceism is a system describing the existence of a sphere beyond time and space from the point of view of an observer placed in space-time. It can be simpler to describe it as a system of learning the spiritual world by a man living on Earth in the physical world. In the first place, this system presents certain principles and laws allowing to understand the existence and functioning of phenomena beyond time and space. By the same principle, it is primarily characterized by the uncertainty of most concepts from the point of view of someone who lives in the physical world. However, from the point of view of an observer placed outside of time and space, it is an objective plane for understanding all the principles of essenceism.
This system also analyzes the functioning of laws that exist in the physical world to help people understand their counterparts in the spiritual world. Although these laws are different, because they operate in different spheres, some in space-time, and the other in the sphere beyond time and space, some conclusions can be drawn about their connection. Both these legal spheres shape the entire universe and the man who lives in it. This means that they are to ensure the perfect functioning of the mechanisms of the universe and enable people to achieve perfection.
The system analyzes the facts that existed in the universe to determine the meaning of its existence. It does not take anything for the so-called faith, but he always puts in logical questions, want to find out the truth. In this respect, it applies all the achievements and ways of learning. Religious faith can only be an indication of the directions of search, but cannot be accepted as a reality. At the same time, the acquired knowledge should be analyzed logically and agree with the previously learned laws and principles. All the newly determined principles, and in particular each conclusion resulting from them, must be consistent with the basic ontological principle included in the assumption of the whole system of essenceism and agree with its theses.
The system obligatorily performs a logical analysis of religious concepts based on the latest scientific achievements. In particular, this refers to the possibility of God-Creator existence. It is during the search for facts that testify to His presence that knowledge from theoretical astrophysics and quantum physics may be useful. By accepting the Active Spectator-Creator, it will be easier to accept the necessity of the existence of the Causal Cause of the existence of all things.
In essenceism, God is not an object of faith, but a logical necessity. This is due to the rejection of the view that the universe was made of nothing. In this situation, without the Creator's recognition as Necessity, we would be helpless in the face of the existence of the universe, and especially in the circumstances of the creation of matter. The same applies to the existence of life. In this case, the presence of the Creator is also a necessity. Of course, the system checks by means of a logical analysis the truth of the hypothesis that such a Causal Being could actually create the universe, life and people.
The impulse for the emergence of essenceism became the conclusion resulting from the assumption that there must be a First Cause of All Things which is absolute Good. Such an absolutely perfect Elusive Original Being could only start good, having nothing to do with evil. Of course, evil cannot exist in His Personality and in His conception of the universe. So one of the main conclusions of essenceism is: God does not know evil. This statement is used to analyze the majority of religious concepts that all denominational currents deal with.
The principles of essenceism
1. The principle of timelessness or eternity (timeless uncertainty) - this is the first of the two fundamental attributes of the sphere beyond time and space.
2. The principle of unstructured (spatial uncertainty), in which there is nothing occupying any space or volume - this is the second fundamental attribute of this sphere.
3. The principle of the existence of the First Cause that fills the sphere beyond time and space and is the source of the creation of space-time I defined this First Cause as an Original Being characterized by the lack of the beginning of the uprising, the absence of anything that could have been before Him, that is, existing from infinity.
4. The principle of the universalization of primary energy is the uncertainty of the state of energy filling both the sphere beyond time and space as well as space-time.
5. The principle of the existence of beings in the sphere beyond time and space. This type of existence is a concentration of praenergia formed around a personality center with intelligence, will and emotionality. This is to be understood as the definition of each of the entities residing in this sphere. They are separate beings derived from the Original Being.
6. The principle of perfection - every being pursues perfection based on the laws and principles of the Creator, and every spiritual being based on its intelligence, will and emotionality.
7. The principle of the necessary sense of the existence of space-time. This means that space-time is a necessary place of development to full perfection for spirit beings destined for eternal presence in the sphere beyond time and space.
8. The principle of omnipresence - (the uncertainty of the location of spiritual beings in their dwelling place). All beings existing in the sphere beyond time and space after achieving perfection are omnipresented in it.
9. The principle of communication in the sphere beyond time and space (vision system). Any communication between beings existing there takes place through the intuitive transmission of the content of feelings or thoughts and also through the imaging of the will in the form of visions taken from the material structures of space-time.
10. All laws and principles that originate from the First Cause that function in a sphere beyond time and space are defined as necessary, eternal and good, that is, according to the original Creator's premise.