Personal proposal about vision of God

Personal ways how to know about the presence of God
I would like to propose to all who want it, to create yours personal vision of God and, consequently, to gain more certainty as to whether He really exists.
Therefore, in this chapter I would like to briefly postpone my own understanding of God and, in an objective way, stimulate others to form more personal religious concepts. The texts presented below will give someone the chance to supplement their spiritual knowledge and deepen their understanding of God.
This concept does not have to be connected to any existing religion. Actually, it can be a life idea independent of belonging to a religion or church. With this attitude, it will help to assume that all religious notions and explanations, if possible, are logical and in harmony with human intellect.
First, ask yourself why we cannot have full knowledge about God, which most religions speak about as our Creator, and even calls Him our Heavenly Father. What bothers us?
The first thought that often comes to mind is the suggestion that it may not exist at all and all messages about Him are only human dreams and the search for an unparalleled ideal. It would mean that after our death there is only nothingness, and we are only reliant on our biological life. Maybe it is. There are those who think or believe in it.
However, I do not belong to them. For me, the existence of God is not a problem of faith, but a logical necessity. Too many arguments argue for the existence of the First Cause, and man after death continues eternal life in the spiritual world. I think most people believe or guess that there is a God who created the universe in which we live.
What bothers us to understand it rationally and have full knowledge about our origin, about the origin of the universe and about the eternal future of every human being?
Modern man has at least two problems related to the awareness of the current state of reality. The first, subjective, depends on superficial self-esteem. It means the lack of the will to penetrate into yourself, into your spirituality; even fear, aversion or some strange resistance to knowing about yourself. It has a source in our internal nature.
The second, objective, lies in the insignificant knowledge about yourself due to the low level of human development in general. This development was stopped at the very beginning of the history of our civilization (pictured by the biblical story from the Garden of Eden). It is about the unconsciousness of who the Creator is, what the inner is, spiritual personality of man and why the universe exists. This factor is independent of us.
If God is the way we imagine Him, that is, He is an infinitely good Father who loves His children, He should not separate Himself from us with an impenetrable barrier, which means the inability to get to know Him because of the inaccessible sphere of mystery.
I suggest, therefore, make an extraordinary effort to overcome this bad reality, also overcoming the obstacles created by us. It means rejecting unnecessary dogmas and imposed secrets that interfere with the full knowledge of God. To this end, He cannot continue to be behind the invisible wall of ignorance. Nor should He be a mysterious force, a kind of powerful Thunderer and All-powerful King. We now have an age of great progress in science and technology. God, as the Creator of all things, should in some sense be understood as a scientist ahead of us, who at the same time left us a free field of activity in the cognition of the universe. Let it be like that forgiving Father who silently supports and praises the civilization achievements of His children. Nor should He be a strict, punishing Judge of our behavior, but an Eternal Teacher who gives us His Laws and Principles. Generally speaking, the Creator should not be an unknown Personality detached from man and the universe. In my opinion, monotheistic religions shaped His picture as distant and untrue. Therefore, they must often fill the space between themselves and God with spectacular rites. I believe that no religion, church or organization should have a monopoly on the mediation between God and man. Therefore, as we discover new areas of knowledge about the universe, it is worth regularly refreshing our concept of its Creator.
Before I present the ways of creating an individual vision of God, I would like to emphasize my understanding for a complete lack of faith in him, and even manifestations of aversion to any religious beliefs. In previous chapters, I have repeatedly emphasized that we live in a world that has little to do with the concept of the Creator. Therefore, the observation of the world around us can lead to the logical conclusion that God does not exist at all. One can, therefore, treat faith in him as a psychological phenomenon or recognize believers as people who have been fooled into religious propaganda. Personally, I would advise against adopting such a view, instead recommending thinking based on something more than just a passive observation of this hell around us. I am suggesting to penetrate deeper into the unheard-of man's longing for immortality hidden in our personalities, which does not come from nowhere. This should happen right now when gigantic advances in science and technology are made. History teaches us that each subsequent generation has the right to ask the same questions that have already been asked. Let's try to find God again in these times.
At the outset, let this be some theoretical God as the beginning of everything, or the First Cause. This is a universal condition that you can think about Him at all. I think that God, who is not the absolute and eternal beginning of everything, does not make sense. Also, there is no point in any God who did not create the world, that is, one who does not possess the source energy that enables Him to create matter. Theoretically, it could be terminated because it can be enough information for many people. Such people may no longer be interested in the problem of God's existence at all.
Referring to the previous thought, and at the same time wanting to go further, the easiest way to agree with the need for the existence of a timeless source of energy and the phenomenon of the presence of always universal laws, such as the laws of physics, biology or chemistry. All this could be attributed to God as the First Cause. In this way, we will be able to build a simple concept of the Creator that would suit many people. It would assume the existence of an impersonal God, whose presence we can see, for example, in the existence of nature and its laws and the entire universe functioning according to established principles. Such an efficient Being can exist somewhere far away, which would allow certain people to live their own affairs without special remembrance of His existence.
Unfortunately, most people cannot ignore this subject and still ask new questions about an active God, that is, someone who has an impact on their lives.
Or maybe try to understand God as a source of love and dreams of perfect happiness? We observe the developing nature driven by the reproduction process, but it is difficult to find in it the ideal love awaited by people and the fulfillment of dreams of eternal happiness. We are almost certain that such love and happiness apply only to people. We note that they are so important that they can be combined with the necessity of the existence of the Eternal Ideal that contains those longed-for feelings. Then, some people may need such a God – Virtual Source of Love and Happiness. He could exist without connection to the existing universe and its laws. With this way of thinking, scientists can leave all the explanations for the origin of the entire universe and the origins of human existence, and recognize that someday all these mysteries will be completely explored and understood. Then God Himself as the Absolute Ideal will be associated only with people. It would be actually God that does not exist in the real universe, but only in the minds of people, as the eternal dream of eternal love and happiness.
To complete the above considerations, you can also consider another concept. It is about God within ourselves, God, whom we are carrying in our hearts, Someone logically and scientifically inexplicable, unidentified. There is no need to discover or prove such a God. Somehow His presence is subconsciously felt, and it is not necessary to speak about Him. For example, Far Eastern spirituality presents such a God.
In practice, however, it turns out that we are not always satisfied with the abstract God and we are still looking for the personal source of our lives. Therefore, most of us did not satisfy neither the theoretical God – Architect nor the dreamed God – Virtual Ideal One.
So we have to go even further.
Can one now assume that the beginning of everything was an inexhaustible Source of Energy combined with the existence of eternal laws and principles and permeated with beauty and love in every detail? Yes, because in this way we already have a ready vision of a creative Original Being endowed with a specific Personality. This time it would be possible to satisfy this concept for many people.
At the same time, for a more active person God would be better, with whom one can make contact. Not with any impersonal Energy, not with the Source of Beauty and Love alone and not with the Abstract Ideal, but with Someone Alive. Thanks to that, one could have something to do with this Energy, the Ideal and the Source of Love. Then it would significantly extend our concept, or understanding God as the Source of Life. One could, therefore, accept belonging to this Source and not just an ordinary part of the universe. At the same time, it would enable us to get to know the true position of a man who is a creative participant in reality. It would be connected with the understanding that people are beings closest to the Creator.
To the full success in seeking the eternal truth about God remains only the discovery that people are children of God. However, this can sometimes outgrow the rational feelings of the most active "seekers" of the Creator. It is enough to look at the social reality that surrounds us, so far from any ideal. Therefore, the fact of God's fatherhood is so difficult to accept practically, hence in many cases we have to rely more on faith than on logical thinking. I tried, however, in the first chapters of this study to do everything so that faith would become knowledge and so that God could be called Heavenly Father. It turns out in practice that this concept was able to satisfy a large group of people, because it resulted in the development of Christianity and influenced to some extent on other religions.
I therefore recommend to all such personal attempts to build their vision of God, without denying the department of anyone in religious relationships.
The purpose of the above analysis is to encourage people to create such a "self-religion" that would be for a given person a certain form of connection with the Creator without the need to join existing religious structures and organizations. In this way, I see the beginning of building a personal understanding of God that a particular person could accept. That is why I tried to help in all previous topics to understand the basic aspects of Original Being. Now here I can only appeal for perseverance in creating a personal vision of God and the universe. You just have to want it hard despite the obstacles associated with the tumult of the civilization that surrounds us. In addition, you can support your will to acquire new knowledge with dreams of an eternal future. It will be like our love addressed to the Heavenly Father who is being discovered and to our loved ones who have already overtaken us on their way to the spiritual world.