Heart of God


Source of Love and Beginning of good

Probably each of us is sure that has a heart.

Of course, this is not our biological organ, which is a kind of suction and pressure pump hidden in the chest.  I mean the center of our personality, the source of good feelings and the depth of our being. The heart is the place where the most important life decisions are born and from which only the good should come. It determines our humanity.

I remind you that we are all born "in the image and likeness of God," meaning that we have inherited our heart from Him. Therefore, just as in the case of man, the Heart of God is the deepest and most important attribute of His Personality (because God is a Person).

The heart of God is the center and core of His Personality and what makes Him Heavenly Father. It is as if in the midst of All Existence.  It is the source of His eternal Love, or the Center, from which everything originates. Of course, it is difficult to talk about God with a specific center, source or beginning. We, describing transcendent phenomena, adapt our vocabulary to the earthly measure of time and to three-dimensional space. However, only going beyond these limits, to the sphere beyond time and space, can bring us a bit closer to understanding the Core of the Personality of God.

God's Heart is the heart of the Creator. Understanding His Heart can fully understand who He is, what the spiritual world is and in general how existence occurs beyond time and space. It is therefore necessary to make all of your imagination and the ability to go beyond the boundaries of space-time to understand the problem of the existence of not only God, but above all His Heart.  This effort is worth beginning with understanding that both our heart and His Heart are a bridge between the sphere beyond time and space and space-time.

Understanding this fact is necessary to realize God's creative act as an act of developing God Himself.  The Creator's main goal is to shape new entities for his "image and likeness". It was in His Heart that "the idea” of ​​the co-existence of His children, that is, of people inheriting His Personality, appeared. Of course, it is difficult to talk about a specific moment of the "emergence" of this idea, because it happened beyond time and space. It is better to accept that the idea of ​​the existence of God's children has always been in Him.

I explained before that the beginning of the spiritual person comes from the Heart of God. I also added that the reason for the emergence of the visible universe, or our space-time, was the unique opportunity to bring up eternal spiritual people as perfect as their Creator. The physically existing universe is therefore indispensable for the emergence of new beings that reflect the attributes of Heavenly Father. Therefore before every human being, is a fundamental task to understand that he is a real child of God.

In this sphere lies the entire space for our discovery of our Father in Him. Among the search for the truth, love and good from Him, one should first feel something that I call the touch of the Heart of God.  I will explain this in a specific example, because I cannot describe it in a different way.  That is why, in advance, I will refer to topics that are the subject of later chapters.

First, I felt the situation that occurred just after the fall of Adam and Eve. I felt then the lonely Heart of the Father who lost His children in paradise. Later, when Cain killed Abel, I felt a pain, realizing that the chance for the first step to repair original sin and the return of people to the bosom of the Father would disappear.  However, I felt the greatest heartache when Jesus, His Son, abandoned by all, went to the death of the cross. At that time, the closest disciples left Him, one of them handed him over to the oppressors, and the best, beloved, denied Him during his trial. Has anyone volunteered to give their lives for Jesus? Has anyone remembered his words: "No one has greater love than a person who lays down his life for his friends" (John 15, 13)?

What then happened in the Heart of God?  Can we imagine His condition? When I realized all this, I understood that the loneliness of the heart is the highest level of abandonment imaginable.

At some point something from this Divine state has touched me, personally. I felt this unimaginable loneliness of Heavenly Father. When Jesus' words came to me in this state: "My God, my God, why have you left me?" I really understood what it means to be truly abandoned. That's when I fell in love with Heavenly Father and that's how it is to this day.

It is often said, of course figuratively, that someone's heart is bursting with regret, that someone has a torn heart because of the loss of a loved one, that someone's heart is bleeding with grief. These words mean that pain and grief have reached the depths of our being. These are experiences incomparable to anything else and only the personal experience of such a state can give us an idea of ​​the enormity of pain and suffering.

All this helped me to understand one more important circumstance. Namely, that the Heart of God never leaves a human being. God, giving us a part of Himself, or the seed of the spiritual person and a particle of His Heart, in a certain sense becomes present in us forever. This particle is in us forever and nothing can remove or destroy it from us.

I am fully aware of this state of affairs from the moment I experienced the feeling of touching the Heart of God mentioned above. Since then, I have been experiencing the act of God's love as my Father, I experience something in the shape of certainty that He is very close to me. This means that I am somehow connected by a bond of love flowing from Our Father, to which I am still trying to respond, assuring Him of my affection. Therefore, my communication with Him is not a mere prayer. It is a conversation with Someone, admittedly elusive with my senses, but present in the universe. I say to Him with my whole being that I love Him, and then tears come to my eyes. Most often I talk with him, driving alone by car and it happens to me that I have to stop at the side of the road, because tears do not let me continue. These are tears of love, and I feel crying with my whole being. That's all I call the touch of the Heart of God. Only in this way I can explain this feeling.

I am sure that in the very core of our personality lies inherited from God the awareness of His laws and principles functioning in the form of our conscience, as well as a part of His Heart that is our heart. This is what God's Father means in us - His children.

We can, of course, wonder why most people do not feel it. This is unfortunately due to the fact that we live in a civilization in which it is difficult to feel a direct relationship with God, and our conscience is most often drowned out by the problems of everyday life.

Sometimes people subconsciously feel that the hidden conscience exists in them, meaning something that functions somewhere deep in a person, has an impact on their daily lives. This is evidenced by numerous proverbs and colloquial sayings: "someone's feeling comes from the depths of my heart" or "someone has moved conscience", and a sharp reprimand in the style of "you probably do not have God in your heart!".

The few who feel the presence of this part of the Heart of God in themselves and try to follow its impulses are often accused by the others as abnormal or haunted people. So what can you say about Jesus who was fully aware of the presence of God's Heart in Himself? After all, He was speaking in public about this, and in His conduct He always guided by the Divine Source of Love.

I want to remind everyone once again that being God's children, we have a part of His Heart in us. It is through It that God maintains a bond with the deepest part of our personality, although we are not always aware of it. I would like the knowledge of its existence and activity to be universal.

Summing up the above testimony, one can say that the state of our heart determines our personality.















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